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Home Overview Hookmark bidirectional link file resource tool software
Hookmark bidirectional link file resource tool software
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Hookmark bidirectional link file resource tool software
Hookmark is an efficient tool that links digital work, making it easy to immediately access the information you need. Having been engaged in cognitive productivity software and link development for nearly 20 years, universal features and other features can help you quickly view important information without the need for searching. Links are the best choice for browsing the internet.
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Hookmark bidirectional link file resource tool software

Hookmark bidirectional link file resource tool software


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Hookmark is a powerful efficiency software tool that helps users organize and manage important information links more efficiently, thereby saving them time and effort.

The context sensitive window of Hookmark allows you to gain more benefits from all your favorite linkable applications. Whether you are in Finder, Mail, Safari, Apple Notes, Photos, DEVONthink, or any other link friendly application, simply call the pop-up window of Hookmark to copy the link to the current project, or operate on it in the following powerful new ways.

Copy and open information links in any linkable application!

  • Copy links to almost anything in any linkable application. Instantly copy well formatted links to web pages, as well as files, emails, tasks, notes, Apple Photos, and many other types of data in your favorite applications. Paste these links into your to-do list, notes, email, or anywhere else!
  • Hook the items together. After copying the link, you can use (⌘ V, as it will also "paste" into the "hook" window) to bi-directional link the copied link (also known as "hook") to the current project. Hook to Copied Link
  • Open the hook link. The context sensitive window of Hookmark displays a list of all projects that you have "hooked" (bi-directional links) to in the current application's foreground. Click 'Return' on the link, or double-click it to open the linked project.
  • Navigation hook. Use arrow keys or click to recursively navigate the item network that is attached to the current item. This means that Hookmark is also a link browser!
  • Hook the current project to a new project. This amazing command will immediately create a new project in the application you choose, name, store, selectively mark it, and "hook" it to the current project. It is very suitable for taking notes related to web pages, videos, PDFs, or any other important resources through two-way links ("hooks"). Hook to New
  • Display the current file in Finder. How many times have you wanted to quickly view the storage location of the current file on Finder? Whether you are using TextEdit or any other link friendly application, simply call Hookmark and (⌘ R). It feels great to immediately view files in context without searching! Reveal File in Finder*

Adaptive file linking!

  • Unlike regular file links (which are very fragile and almost no one uses them locally), Hookmark's links to files on Finder are adaptive! Using Hookmark to copy file links (yes, you can do this!), move or rename linked files, Hookmark's adaptive file linking engine will ensure that the links are still valid.
  • Hookmark's adaptive file linking is also applicable to files in cloud storage, such as iCloud, Dropbox, and Sync, which you have locally synchronized to Finder! If you or your colleagues move these files to the cloud, Hookmark's adaptive file linking engine will strive to track them!
  • Developers, please note! Hookmark's adaptive file linking also applies to files that you check out to Finder from version control systems such as Git and Subversion. If you delete the repository locally and then check it out (or even to another location), Hookmark's adaptive file linking engine will strive to use heuristic methods to track them, making Hookmark smarter.
  • Finder aliases are not good enough! Create a. hook file for any file or folder. When you double-click the file, Hookmark will open the currently linkable project regardless of its type (web page, file, email, task, etc.). They are plain text, editable, and use Hookmark's adaptive file linking engine 😊 Perform parsing.

Deep PDF links to specific locations in PDF files, etc

  • When you select text in a URL friendly PDF application and use the or command of Hookmark, Hookmark creates a deep link to the selected content in the PDF! Click on the link and Hookmark will take you back to your selection. It is very convenient for researchers, lawyers, writers, and others who delve deeply into PDF files. Copy LinkCopy Markdown Link
  • Hookmark's deep PDF links are also very powerful.
  • The deep PDF link of Hookmark can be shared.
  • Hookmark can even create deep links to specific locations in Quicktime videos.

More new forms of links

  • Drag and drop links. You can also drag files onto the menu bar icon in Hook and hang them together in one or two drops (bidirectional linking them)*
  • Create hook://search Link. When you use them, Hookmark will trigger Spotlight based on the parameters of the link ® Search.

Easily add bookmarks

Hookmark is the first truly universal automatic bookmark application.

  • Truly universal: You can not only add bookmarks to web pages (cross browser), but also bookmarks to items in any compatible application (files, emails, tasks, notes, etc. in Finder).
  • Effortless: (a) Every time you use or Hookmark, bookmarks will be automatically added. (b) When you hook items together, Hookmark will add a bookmark to each side of the "hook" (if they do not already exist). Copy LinkCopy Markdown Link
  • You can also manually add bookmarks (⌘ D).
  • You can search for your Hookmark bookmarks. Simply enter in the Hookmark window F

The use of Hookmark to interact with resources may be the most discriminative correlation indicator ever. Give it a try, you'll be surprised!

Integration with other bookmarking software

Hookmark integrates with Pinboard, GoodLinks, and Instapaper. Automatically add bookmarks to these services. Tags will also be applied to bookmarks in Pinboard and GoodLinks. This requires Pinboard, GoodLinks, and/or Instapaper.

Share content that was previously unavailable for sharing

Whether you use the built-in 'shared table' of Hookmark or its general commands, you can share information that was previously unavailable: Copy Link

  • Share email link! As long as the recipient has a copy of the email in the linkable application and Hookmark, when they click on the link, the email will open on their computer! This immediately puts you both in the same environment and gives them an immediate sense of satisfaction.
  • Share file links. Share copied file links( hook://file/... )Display linked files in the recipient's Mac Finder! Whether the file is in a synchronization or version control (such as Git) folder, or in another location, if the file is indexed by Spotlight on its Mac, Hookmark can display it. There are no longer lengthy descriptions about file locations!
  • Share the 'search link'. The links mentioned above can also be shared. Help your family, friends, and colleagues find the information they need by sending search links to them. When they click on the search link, Hookmark will trigger a Spotlight search based on that link. hook://search

Markdown Innovation

  • Universal replication Markdown link. Immediately create a well formed Markdown link with a title and URL pointing to the current project, whether it is a webpage, file, email, task, or any other linkable project. Paste them anywhere you use Markdown*
  • Embed links to any content in Markdown documents. Hookmark has expanded the scope of Markdown documents. With this scheme, you can embed file links without worrying about what happens when the files are moved! You can embed links to various objects. Perfect for taking notes, writing to-do lists, and editing documents in Markdown. hook://file
  • The. hook file can contain Markdown links. Quickly paste the Markdown link into the file. The next time you double-click the file, Hookmark will open its target Hook


  • Automatically execute workflows using Hookmark's Apple shortcut commands such as,,, and. Please refer to the shortcut operations for Hookmark. Add BookmarkGet Bookmark From Active WindowFocus On BookmarkHook Bookmarks TargeterUnhook BookmarksGet Bookmarks Hooked To URL
  • Use AppleScript to control the Hookmark. You can access Hookmark bookmarks programmatically, view content linked to specific projects, add Hookmark bookmarks and hook them together (Hook 1.6), and more. Use LaunchBar operations, Alfred workflows, Keyboard Maestro, or other software.
  • Customize how the Hookmark integrates with your favorite applications. You can customize the way Hookmark controls applications and add new integration scripts for other applications*
  • Update the Hookmark integration without restarting the Hookmark. Hookmark can automatically update its software integration scripts without even needing to restart it.

Multi mac and portability

  • Synchronize with your favorite technology. Use Hookmark on different Macs. Automatically synchronize links between Macs using any underlying media you choose: iCloud, Dropbox, Google Drive, or even floppy drives.
  • Import/Export. Export your link in a human readable format. Import them onto the same Mac or another Mac. 'import' will replace the current linked database.

More features

  • View recent bookmarks for any application in one place!
  • Hotkeys. Use familiar keyboard shortcuts to place your hand on the keyboard.
  • Configurable global keyboard shortcuts for multiple commands.
  • Private. Hookmark data will not be sent to us or synchronized to our server. You can synchronize it with the technology you choose (iCloud, Dropbox, etc.)
  • Customize how Hookmark creates new projects. Select the storage location for the project created by the Hookmark command, the default template for new files, and the prefix and/or suffix for new files. Get more information. Link to New
  • Mark linked files. Hookmark can automatically apply Finder tags to any file you attach to other content. Therefore, you can use Spotlight to find all the files you have linked to Hookmark.
  • An inconspicuous pop-up window. Like the Spotlight search window, when you call it, Hookmark will appear (⇧⌘ SPACE or other methods). It's very compact. After completion, it will automatically disappear.
  • Quickly view hook items (⌘ Y or use the>> menu. GearViewQuick Look

Hookmark can even be used with information managers, search tools, and initiators

One of our main design goals is to enable Hookmark to help you get more benefits from all your favorite applications. Hookmark is not only suitable for special purpose applications (handling one or several file or object types), but also:

  • Hookmark also collaborates with personal information management companies such as DEVONthink, EagleFiler, Keep It, Yojimbo, and Evernote. For example, universal functions can be used to link projects in the Personal Information Manager to projects inside or outside the Information Manager. Can be used to create projects in the Personal Information Manager and hook them to other projects. Copy LinkLink to New
  • Hookmark can even be used in conjunction with utilities and search tools, such as HoudahSpot.
  • Hookmark can be called from the launcher. You can also access the automation of Hookmark from the launcher (as described above). You can even use LaunchBar's "send to" and many other features with Hookmark.

Open, no lock

CogSci Apps is not only dedicated to interoperability, but we also support interoperability. It exists in our DNA. The true purpose of Hookmark is to help you access and connect documents and data from all your favorite applications. This requires communication between applications. Learn more.

in summary

Hookmark is an innovative and comprehensive product created by Mac enthusiasts who have been developing cognitive productivity software and links for nearly 20 years. Its universal features and other features enable you to reference and immediately browse important information for you. This means that you can usually skip the search and reap the full benefits of the link. You know that links are very suitable for browsing the internet. Now, you and your network (friends, colleagues, etc.) can use them to access the information that is most important to you.

Hookmark bidirectional link file resource tool software LOGO

Official website:https://hookproductivity.com/

Download Center:https://hookmark.apsgo.cn

Backup Download:N/A

Delivery time:Manual online processing

Operating platform:macOS

Interface language:Supports English interface display.

Update instructions:After purchase, it supports 1 year of updates. After 1 year, you can purchase upgrade services at a discount or choose not to update the software.

Pre purchase trial:Free trial before purchase.

How to receive the goods:After purchase, the activation information will be sent to the email address at the time of placing the order, and the corresponding product activation code can be viewed in the personal center, My Orders.

Number of devices:Can install 1 computer.

Replacing the computer:Uninstall the original computer and activate the new computer.

Activation guidance:Click on the key link to jump to the browser, follow the prompts to activate. Please ensure that the software is installed before operation and keep the computer connected to the network.

Special instructions:To be added.

Reference materials:https://hookproductivity.com/help/general/overview/

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